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(Updated 16/2/2022)



(Men’s Section)

  1. TITLE

The Association shall be known as the KENT COUNTY BOWLING ASSOCIATION.


​  2.1 To promote, foster, and safeguard the level-green sport of Outdoor

Bowls in the County of Kent.

  2.2 To adopt and enforce the Laws of the Sport of Bowls as laid down

by World Bowls.

  2.3 To be a member of Bowls England and conform to its Rules and

Regulations and to other such Associations as may be determined.

  2.4To promote a safe environment in which children and vulnerable

adults can enjoy taking part in the sport of bowls. The Association

will seek to underpin and ensure this commitment by following

and promoting the Joint Child Protection Policy and Procedures

of Bowls England.

  2.5 To follow and promote the Equity Policy of Bowls England in

respect of equal opportunities.

  2.6 To promote, organize and superintend such competitions and

tournaments among the members of affiliated clubs as the

Association considers desirable.

  2.7 To foster good relationships with other County Associations,

Outdoor and Indoor, by arranging Inter-County and other


  2.8 To interpret any questions of law and practice and arbitrate on

all matters submitted to the Association by affiliated clubs or

members thereof.

  2.9 To promote and support the Association’s Benevolent Fund(s).

  2.10 By doing all such other things as in the opinion of the Council are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.


​  3.1 The Association colours shall be navy blue and white.


  4.1 Membership of the Association shall be open to all properly constituted Outdoor Bowling Clubs in the County of Kent.

(All existing affiliated members of the KCBA/KCWBA as at the inauguration will automatically be transferred to membership of the Unified Association and have the right to the renewal of their membership).New application for membership shall be made to the Hon. General Secretary of the Association and shall conform to the conditions specified in Bowls England Regulation.

Applications shall be accompanied by:-

i) An entrance fee of £10

ii) The subscription for the current year.

iii) A copy of the Club Rules.

iv) The name and address of the Club

v) The names of the Club Office Bearers

Applications shall be subject to the approval of the Management Committee of the Association, who shall make arrangements for the inspection of the Green used by the Club. Any proposed

alterations to the Club Rules must be submitted to the Hon. General Secretary of the Association before adoption.

Any Change of Green used by an affiliated club or any alteration thereto must be notified to the Hon. General Secretary of the Association.

  4.2 To comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 for exemption of registration, the Association is permitted to maintain with consent records on Computer File to include names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and for the under 25 years of age members, their dates of birth and

such details it may disclose in the following circumstances:-

  4.2.1 Publication of a list of the Association and its’ affiliated clubs, officers with individual members and together with their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.

  4.2.2 Disclosure to other affiliations or associations.

  4.2.3 Any other disclosure for the purpose of the Association which the Management Committee decides is necessary.


  4.3 Honorary Life Members​

  4.3.1. 1Honorary Life Membership may be conferred upon any member, as a mark of distinction and in recognition of valuable service to the Association rendered over a long period, only on the recommendation of the Management Committee, ratified by the appropriate Council, and confirmed by members at the Annual General Meeting.

  4.3.2 All Honorary Life Members shall have the right to attend, speak and vote at the Annual General Meeting and Council Meetings.

  4.3.3 Honorary Life membership of the Association shall be bestowed by right on all Past Presidents of the Association and on all Honorary Life members of either of the Association’s predecessors, the Kent County Bowling Association and the Kent County Women’s Bowling Association, as a mark of distinction, and in recognition of valuable services rendered to the Association and/or to either of its said predecessors.


  5.1 The financial year of the Association shall commence on the 1st October


  6.1The Annual Subscription and Competition entry fees from Clubs will be determined by the Management Committee. Fees must be paid, together with the Club’s Bowls England Affiliation Fee by the due dates set and advised to clubs by the management committee in any one year. A Club failing to pay its’ Subscription and/or Affiliation Fees by the time stated shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership for so long as they remain unpaid. If social members of a Club are permitted to use its bowling green they must be included in the calculation of both Subscription and Affiliation Fee.

 6.2 Annual Subscriptions, Bowls England Affiliation Fees, together

with County Competition entries and Fees, must be sent to the

appropriate Hon. Divisional Secretary by the due date. Hon.

Divisional Secretaries must transmit all accounting forms and

monies received to the Hon. Financial Officer not later than May 31st.


  7.1 Cheques drawn on the Associations’ accounts shall be signed by

either: The Hon. Financial Officer, the Hon. General Secretary or

the Hon. Chairman.


  8.1 The following officers of the Association shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year:

Men Women

President President

Senior Vice President Senior Vice President

Immediate Past President Immediate Past President


Hon. Secretary Hon. Secretary

Hon. Minute Secretary

Hon. Treasurer Hon. Treasurer

Hon. Competition & Match Secretary Hon. Competition &

Match Secretary

Hon. Under 25’s Secretary

Hon. P & C Match Officer

Hon. Publicity Officer/Webmaster Hon. Year Book Secretary/

Publicity Officer/Webmaster

Hon. Secretary/Treasurer Benevolent Fund

Four Hon. Divisional Secretaries Four Hon. Divisional Secretaries

Four Hon. Assistant Divisional Secretaries

  8.2 No nominations shall be required for the offices of Presidents,

Senior Vice Presidents and Immediate Past Presidents as those

positions shall be filled by natural progression, at the Annual

General Meeting.

  8.3 The procedure for the nomination of all other Officer positions is

outlined in the respective Regulations.


The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the

Management Committee and both Councils in the following


9.1 Management Committee

9.1.1 The Management Committee shall comprise:

Chairperson Casting Vote only

Hon. General Secretary/B.E. Delegate No Vote

Hon. Financial Officer No Vote

Hon. Secretary (Men) One Vote

Hon. Secretary (Women) One Vote

Hon. Development Officer No Vote

One representative from the Council (Men) One Vote

One representative from the Council (Women)One Vote

All of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

9.1.2 Nominations for the Offices of Chairman, Hon. General Secretary and Hon. Financial Officer will be presented to each Council in October for ratification prior to the AGM

9.1.3 Meetings of the Management Committee to be held twice in any one year. Dates to be determined annually by the Committee with the provision to call meetings as and when required. Four members shall form a quorum.

9.1.4 The Management Committee may appoint such other committees as are considered necessary.

9.1.5 The Management Committee shall appoint a Vice-Chairman from its number.

9.1.6 The responsibilities of the Management Committee are outlined in Appendix 1.

9.2 Men’s Council

9.2.1 The Men’s Council shall consist of:

a)  Officers as set out in Rule 8.1 (Men)

b)  Representatives of the Clubs elected at the Divisional Annual General Meeting

c)  Honorary Life Members of the Association

d)  Two members elected by the Kent County Indoor Bowling Association

e)  The following ex-Officio:-

Greens Maintenance Co-ordinator

All the foregoing shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Council.

9.2.2  The Council shall meet at such times and places as it may determine, have the power to make regulations, and be responsible for the general management and day-to-day running of the Men’s Section of the Association within the Rules. (30 members shall form a quorum). It may fill any vacancy arising during the year.

9.2.3  The Council shall annually ratify the appointment of a Finance and General Purposes Committee, a Selection Committee, and an Emergency Committee. It may appoint such other committees as are considered necessary, determining their composition, terms of reference and duration.

9.3  Women’s Council

9.3.1 The Women's Council shall consist of:-

 a)  Officers as set down in Rule 8.1 (Women)

 b)  Honorary Life Members.

 c) One representative of each Affiliated Club.​

9.3.2  The President shall be the chairperson of the Council and shall have a casting vote, in addition to her own.

9.3.3  The Council shall meet at such times and places as it may determine, have the power to make regulations, and be responsible for the general management and day-to-day running of the Women’s Section of the Association within the Rules. (30 members shall form a quorum). It may fill any vacancy arising during the year.

9.3.4  The Council shall annually ratify the appointment of the Executive Committee, a Selection Committee, and an Emergency Committee. It may appoint such other committees as are considered necessary, determining their composition, terms of reference, and duration.


The Hon. General Secretary shall:-

10.1  Convene, prepare, attend and minute all General Meetings of the Association and all meetings of the Management Committee.

10.2  Conduct the correspondence relating to the responsibilities of the Management Committee and pass on to fellow Officers as appropriate such correspondence relating to their duties.

10.3  Represent the Association as the delegate to Bowls England.

10.4  Receive from Bowls England all communications directed to Counties and forward to the Section Hon. Secretaries as appropriate.

10.5  Receive from Section Hon. Secretaries, Club contact details and forward annually to Bowls England for inclusion in the Official Year Book.

10.6   Forward annually to Bowls England the names of such Officers as are required for inclusion in the Official Year Book.

10.7  Newsletters

10.8  Act otherwise under the general direction of the Management Committee and on retirement from office, hand over to his/her successor or to the Chair of the Association all books, papers, and any other property belonging to the Association.


The Honorary Financial Officer shall:-

11.1 Produce a unified Balance Sheet of the Association.

11.2 Discuss with the Hon Treasurers of the Men’s and Ladies Sections the required formats of their individual Income and Expenditure


11.3 Produce a unified Budget for the Association for 3 years forward. 11.4 Discuss with the Hon. Treasurers of the Men’s and Ladies Sections

the Budgetary requirements of the Association and its’ 2 sections.

11.5 Recommend to the Management Committee the Affiliation Fees, Competition Fees, Year Book costs, Remuneration of Officers, Match Fees, and any other ancillary expenses (after discussion with

the Section Hon. Treasurers).

11.6 Control the unified Bank Accounts and oversee the 2 separate

section current accounts.

11.7 Arrange for the Accounts to be properly examined in accordance

with the Association Rules and Regulations.

11.8 Act otherwise under the general direction of the Management Committee and on retirement from office, hand over to his/her successor or to the Chair of the Association all books (after being

duly examined), papers and cash belonging to the Association.


12.1 The annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in November. 

The business of the meeting shall be:-

a) To elect a Management Committee in accordance with Rule 9.1 b) To elect Officers in accordance with Rule 8.1.

c) To receive the Annual Reports of the Hon. General Secretary

and the two Section Hon. Secretaries.

d) To receive the examined Balance Sheet and Statement of

Accounts for the year.

e) To appoint Examining Accountants.

f) On the recommendation of Management Committee, ratified by

each Council, to elect

Honorary Life Members for special services rendered to the Association. These shall include all Past Presidents.

g) To transact any other competent business

12.2  A copy of the Hon. General Secretary's Report and examined accounts shall be sent with the notice convening the Meeting.

12.3  Not less than fourteen days notice of General Meetings shall be given to members of Councils and all Member Clubs of the Association.

12.4  Each member Club shall be entitled to send one voting delegate to General Meetings. Other club members may attend.

12.5  The Chairperson of the Management Committee or, in his/her absence the Vice-Chairman, shall conduct General Meetings. In the absence of both Officers, the Senior Officer present shall preside.

12.6  Thirty Members shall form a quorum for General Meetings.

12.7  Each Officer, Club delegate, Hon. Life Member of the Association and ex-Officio Members of each Council shall be entitled to one vote at General Meetings but the Chairperson shall only have a casting vote. Voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is requested by a majority of those present. In the event of there being more than two candidates for an office, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes cast in the first ballot will be eliminated from a second ballot. If required, further and subsequent ballots will be held with the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes being eliminated until two candidates remain. A final ballot will be required and the candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected. If at any stage, one candidate polls a number of votes exceeding the combined total of votes cast for the other candidates, he/she will be deemed to be elected. Proxy or correspondence votes shall not be accepted at all meetings.

12.8  Attendees at all meetings must sign the Attendance Book.


  1. 13.1  Each Council shall be responsible for all Competitions under their jurisdiction.

  2. 13.2  Each named Competitor entering for a County Competition, whichever it may be, will purchase a County Year Book.

  3. 13.3  Each affiliated club shall be required to purchase a minimum of TWO Year Books.


  2. 14.1  In the event of misconduct requiring disciplinary measures, the Association and its’ Affiliated Clubs will, at all times, adopt the procedures contained in Bowls England Disciplinary Regulations.


  1. The Association is committed to promoting a safe environment in which children and vulnerable adults can enjoy taking part in games of bowls.

  2. It will seek to underpin and ensure this commitment by adopting the Bowls England Guidance on the protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults & Regulations.


    1. The Association and its’ Affiliated Clubs will adopt the Bowls England Equality & Inclusion Policy & Regulations.


    1. The Association and its’ Affiliated Clubs will adopt the Bowls England Anti Doping Policy & Regulations.


    1. The organizers of all events must apply to Bowls England for a license before the commencement of the event. See Bowls England Regulations.


    1. Any person wishing to run an Inter-Club league must submit a list of the Clubs comprising the league to the KCBA. These leagues do not take precedence over County Competitions.


    1. No Club affiliated with the KCBA must accept clubs wishing to tour Kent unless they first ascertain that permission has been sought by the said club and given by the County.


  2. 21.1  In the event of the Association being wound up or dissolved, the funds and assets of the Association remaining after all its debts and liabilities have been satisfied, including the costs and expenses of dissolution, shall be distributed by the Association in general meeting to an appropriate body or bodies.


     22.1  No alteration of, or addition to, the Rules of the Association shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.


  2. 23.1  If any matter shall arise which, in the opinion of the Management Committee, is not provided for in this Constitution, then the same may be determined by the Management Committee in such a manner as it deems fit, and every such determination shall be binding upon Clubs and members of Clubs unless and until set aside by a resolution of a General Meeting.


  24.1  The Unified Constitution and Rules, together with Section Regulations and Competition Bye-Laws shall be published in the Associations’ Year Books. This shall be deemed sufficient notice to all Affiliated Clubs.

  24.2  All Bowls England Regulations referred to are posted on the Bowls England website at:





  1. Annual Budgets/Production of Unified Accounts

  2. Affiliation Fees

  3. Competition Fees

  4. Match Fees

  5. Grants and Expenses

  6. Civil Liability and other Insurances

Policy & Management

  1. Policy & Constitution

  2. Logo/County Colours/Coloured Shirt Regulation

  3. Association Annual General Meeting

  4. Misconduct/Disciplinary


  1. Bowls England Matters

  2. Liaison with BDA

  3. Liaison with Coaching Scheme (including EBYDS)

Member Services

1. New Member/Associate Member applications



  1. Regulations

  2. County Competition Rules

  3. County Competitions

  1. National Championships

  2. Team Selections

  3. Nominations for Honorary Life Members

  7. Liaison with Benevolent Funds

  1. Liaison with EBUA


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