Founded in 1911
Bowls is played and enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities
Give Bowls a Try
Many people having seen bowls competitions on T.V., or maybe having stopped to watch a game in progress in their local park have at some time thought 'I wouldn't mind giving that a try.'
Well, the reasons and excuses why they haven't are probably far too numerous to list here, I will just try to give you an insight into giving the game a try.
Probably the number one reason you haven't tried bowls yet is that it is considered by those not involved in the game to be a sport for the older generation. Well, I would love to say the youngsters are coming, but, they are already here, the under 25 scene is flourishing both at County, National and International level.
The picture on the left is a link that will take you to an introduction to bowls as published on the World Bowls web site
The next reason is that people decide they wouldn't be any good at the game. This really is a terrible excuse as no one is any good when they first start, let's face it the D**m balls don't even roll in a straight line for heaven's sake. Having already watched the game do you really think you are going to be playing against Alex Marshall or Mark Dawes the first time you go on the green.
When you finally decide to give the game a try, your first call should be to your local Bowls Club, all clubs welcome potential new members, so believe me, they will be overjoyed to hear from you. They will arrange for you to meet the club coach, he will be a volunteer who has qualified through various courses at his own expense to do the job he loves, coaching newcomers to the game.
He will show you the basics of the game and ensure your delivery of the bowls is correct, yes the object of the game is complicated (get as many bowls as you can, as close to the little white ball at the other end of the green as you can. That's it).
Next move if you have enjoyed the coaching session or sessions is joining the club. This will enable you to, as we call it, go for roll ups. These are sessions when you can practice on your own or with friends or other members, you make the decision as to when you go for these, most greens are available for roll ups from midday onwards, greens are divided into usually six rinks so even when a game is in progress there are usually rinks available for roll ups.
When you are ready to try a competitive game there are many friendly games arranged against other local Clubs, in these games you will find many like yourself who have only recently joined the sport, so no one will expect you to perform like a superstar, they will just expect you to enjoy the game, after all that's what the game is all about, enjoying yourself. Yes, you will sometimes come up against stiff opposition after all County, National and International players also play Club games, but often what you can learn from these players is invaluable in improving your own game.
Well, once you have got this far the skies the limit, so I don't have to write anymore. Hope to see you on T.V. next year, playing for your country.