Founded in 1911
(Men’s Section)
Updated 15/02/2022
The Association shall be divided into four Divisions. Each Division shall hold an Annual General Meeting between the 1st and 30th September each year. The business of the Meeting shall be:
1a) To elect a Chairman for the Meeting.
1b) To elect an Honorary Divisional Secretary and an Honorary Assistant Divisional Secretary. 1c) To elect Clubs to serve on the Council of the Association
1d) Receive nominations for Office of Selectors.
1e) To elect a Selector for Under 25 matches.
1f) To receive the Annual Report of the Honorary Divisional Secretary.
1g) To receive nominations for any Council Office for submission to Council.
1h) To transact any other competent business.
1i) Duties of Delegates
• To attend all Divisional Committee meetings as and when required
• To attend the Divisional Annual General Meeting
• To attend KCBA Council Meetings and the KCBA Annual General Meeting
• At all meetings the delegate should represent their club's views on any topics
raised and report back any relevant matters to their club
• Delegates should make themselves available for at least 3 President & Council
• Delegates should promote the work of the KCBA and encourage club membership Each Affiliated Club within the Division has the right to send a voting delegate to the Divisional Annual General Meeting. Other members may attend but not vote. A voting delegate shall represent only one Club and proxy votes shall not be acceptable. Affiliated Clubs may submit nominations for representation on the Council, nominations for any Council Office and notices of motion to their Hon. Divisional Secretary. Submissions must reach him no later than 1st August. He shall notify all nominations for Council Office to the Hon. Secretary not later than l0th August. Notice of the Divisional Annual General Meeting, the Agenda, the names of nominated Clubs, the names of nominees for Council Office and any notice of motion received shall be sent to each Club not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. If more than one nomination is received for the Office of Junior Vice President, a ballot in accordance with Rule12.7 shall be held at the Divisional Annual General Meeting to determine the Divisions nominee and the result notified to the Hon. Secretary immediately. Should the Offices of both Senior and Junior Vice President be vacant, each Division may similarly select and notify an additional nominee.
Representation on the Council shall be eleven Clubs per Division. If there are more nominations than places available, representation shall be determined by ballot. The ballot paper shall be sent with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. Votes must be cast for all eleven places. The completed ballot paper must be handed to the Chairman by the attending delegate.
The Clubs receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed to be elected. In the event of two or more Clubs receiving an equal number of votes for the final place or places, an additional ballot of the delegates present shall be taken to determine which Club or Clubs shall be elected. If the election is not decided by the second ballot, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
Each elected Club shall notify the Hon. Divisional Secretary at the Annual General Meeting of the name and address of its Representative on the Council.
Representatives of Clubs so elected will assume Office as from the first meeting following the Divisional Annual General Meeting and will constitute the Divisional Committee. They shall elect from amongst themselves a Chairman and shall meet at such times as may be required to conduct the business of the Division. The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy arising during the year and to co-opt. In order to streamline procedures at Council meetings, ALL changes to the Men’s Section Regulations and County Championship Bye Laws must first be referred to the Administration Sub-Committee for consideration The Hon. Secretary shall submit a list of candidates for Council Office to the October Council Meeting for presentation to the next Association Annual General Meeting. When both Senior and Junior Vice President Offices are vacant, all Divisional nominees shall first be presented to the Annual General Meeting as candidates for the Office of Senior Vice President: then, after the Senior Vice President has been elected, the remaining nominees shall be presented as candidates for the Office of Junior Vice President. If more than one nomination is received from the Divisions for the Office of Junior Vice President, the Council may select one by ballot, in accordance with Rule 12.7, to be notified to the Association Annual General Meeting as its recommended nominee. When the Offices of both Senior and Junior Vice Presidents are vacant, Council may similarly select and notify its recommended nominee for each Office, the Senior Vice President recommended nominee being selected first and then the Junior Vice President recommended nominee. If by the 20th August the Hon. Secretary has not received nominations from the Hon. Divisional Secretaries for all the Council Offices, he shall call a meeting of the Emergency Committee to discuss the matter.
• To serve as a figurehead at all official functions (Bowls England & County) and as first choice invitee for social occasions (dinners) and club events.
• Attend all meetings of the Association with the exception of the Administration Sub-Committee and Under 25 Committee. To act as Vice Chairman at all meetings attended. • To attend all matches of the Middleton Cup and Home Counties league programme where you will be expected to make a speech/presentation.
• Attend all County Competitions from the Quarter Finals onwards making speeches and presentations as required
• You will play in all County Friendly matches making speeches and presentations as required. • You will play in all President and Council matches making speeches and presentations as required.
• Attend and support the Kent representatives playing in the National Finals at Royal Leamington Spa. (You book your own accommodation needs)
• Attend the County Annual Dinner and Presentation • To generally promote the benefits and functions of the KCBA.
• Having served as Immediate Past President you will become Chairman of the Kent Past President’s Bowling Association playing in all games where you will be expected to speak and make presentations.
• You will be presented with your badges of office at the Annual General Meeting together with the chain of office for which you will have full responsibility during your Presidential year.(As President you will receive a fixed sum as a mileage allowance (reviewed annually) with some financial support for presentation items. Personal gifts are the President’s responsibility.)
• As Senior Vice-President you will be part of the Presidential team
• Play in all County Friendly games acting as Match Officer having received all information and requirements from the County Match and Competition Secretary.
• Hold stock items in the form of Shirts, Ties and Badges which require an annual statement to be submitted to the County Treasurer.
• You will deputise for the County President as circumstances require
• Attend all meetings of the Association with the exception of the Administration Sub-Committee and Under 25 Committee.
• To attend all matches of the Middleton Cup and Home Counties league programme.
• You will play in all President and Council matches
• Attend and support the Kent representatives playing in the National Finals at Royal Leamington Spa. (You book your own accommodation needs)
• Attend the County Annual Dinner and Presentation
• Attend all County Competitions from the Quarter Finals onwards
• To generally promote the benefits and functions of the KCBA. As Senior Vice President you will receive a fixed sum as a mileage allowance reviewed annually.
The Chairman has a strategic role to play in representing the vision and purpose of the Association.The Chairman ensures that the management, Council and all committees function properly, that there is full participation at meetings, all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.
The Hon. Chairman shall: -
1) Submit a report for the previous year at each Annual General Meeting of the Association.
2) Attend all meetings of the Council and its Sub-Committees excluding the Selection Committees.
3) Bring impartiality and objectivity to meetings and decision-making.
4) Be responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly and efficient manner.
5) Be aware of current issues that might affect the association.
6) Sit on appointment and final appeal grievance panels, as appropriate.
The Hon. Secretary shall: -
1) Convene, attend and prepare all Meetings of the Council and its Sub-Committees excluding the Selection Committee.
2) Conduct the correspondence of the Association (relating to Male activities) and pass on to the Hon. Competition and Match Secretary, Team Manager and Divisional Secretaries copies of any correspondence relating to his duties.
3) Receive from the Hon. Competition and Match Secretary Team Manager and Divisional Secretaries copies of all details relating to player selection, competition and match results other than President and Council matches.
4) Compile and prepare all details for the production of the Men’s Section County Diary at its publication.
5) Action all details for the Presentation function as agreed and arranged by the Divisional Officers (Admin. Sub. Committee).
6) Compile and furnish the Council and the Divisional Committees with such returns and information as may be required from time to time and maintain a register of Clubs affiliated to the Association.
7) Submit a report for the previous year at each Annual General Meeting of the Association.
8) Maintain an inventory of all property of the Association.
9) Act otherwise under the general direction of the Council and on retirement from office, hand over to his successor or to the Chairman of the Council, all books, papers and any other property belonging to the Association.
The Hon. Competition and Match Secretary shall: -
1) Organise and administer the match arrangements for all games including
President & Council. In the case of a dispute, the decision of the Competition and Match Secretary is final.
2) Confirm venues for all matches / competitions in liaison with Divisional
Secretaries and Team Manager.
3) Publish yearly programme and liaise with webmaster.
4) Receive from Divisional Secretaries selection for County Friendly games.
5) Confirm individual selection for County Friendly matches and collect fees from
players and visitors.
6) Arrange for replacement players in liaison with Divisional Secretaries (if time allows).
7) Confirm meal requirements with club / opponents. 8) Advise Match Officer (SVP)
of arrangements made / team selection & provide scorecards.
9) Publish programme for final stages of County Competitions
10) Arrange Umpires / Markers as required.
11) Keep a detailed record of all income/expenditure.
12) Shall be responsible for holding and the sale of all items of clothing, badges, flashes etc, At year-end submit a report to the County Treasurer covering all transactions and stock balances.
13) Act otherwise under the general direction of the Council and on retirement from
office, hand over to his successor or to the Chairman of the Council all books and any other property belonging to the Association.
The Honorary Treasurer shall: -
1) Receive and be held responsible for monies belonging to the Association from whatever source derived by the Men’s Section.
2) Incur and pay only such financial liabilities of the Association as are directed by the Council under special or general authorization.
3) Maintain a Receipts and Payments Account and prepare an Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet immediately after the end of September each year and forward to the Hon. Financial Officer.
4) Keep the funds of the Association in a bank approved by the Council.
5) Act otherwise under the general direction of the Council and on retirement from office, hand over to his successor or to the Chairman of the Council, all books (after being duly examined), papers and cash belonging to the Association.
The Hon. Minute Secretary shall: -
Attend and minute the proceedings of all meetings of the Council and of the
Finance and General Purposes Committee.
Furnish the Hon. Secretary with copies of the minutes as soon after the meetings
as is reasonable.
The Hon. Under 25’s Secretary/Team Manager shall:-
1) Organize and make arrangements for the Under 25 match programme and provide copies of the programme to the Hon. Secretary, and the Hon. Competition & Match Secretary.
2) Maintain a register of Under 25 players in liaison with the Hon. Divisional Secretaries.
3) Notify players of their selection.
4) Inform the Hon. Secretary of all match details, including results.
5) Keep a detailed record of all income and expenditure for general administration & matches and provide the Hon. Treasurer with a copy of these records together with an annual statement of accounts.
6) Act otherwise under the general direction of Council and on retirement from office, hand over to his successor or to the Chairman of the Council all books and any other property belonging to the Association.
The Hon. P & C Match Officer shall: -
1) Receive from the Hon. Competition & Match Secretary a list of President & Council matches.
2) Send an availability form to each Council member (and others as necessary) during the first week in January.
3) Meet with the President to select the teams for each P & C match in sufficient time to enable Council members to be notified of their selected games at the March/April Council meeting.
4) In the event of players dropping out, contact replacements to ensure the presence of a full team at every game.
5) Co-operate with Hosts to ensure that the game and after match formalities proceed smoothly.
6) Notify the Hon. Publicity Officer/Webmaster of the results to enable the Website to be updated.
7) Collect match fee from players keeping a record of all income and expenditure for submission to the County Treasurer.
1) Liaise with Divisional Selectors to discuss players worthy of selection for the Middleton
Cup, Home Counties League and National Representative games.
2) Produce a list of players for Middleton Cup and Home Counties League.
3) Check all players availabilities.
4) Make selections.
5) Advise players and confirm availability.
6) Publish teams and notify webmaster.
7) Confirm arrangements with host club / opponents regarding catering etc.
8) Appoint Match Officer from Divisional Selectors.
9) Report results as required by BE and press.
10)Provide report and result for KCBA website.
11)Provide nominations for consideration of an International Trial.
12)Liaise with Hon. Competition & Match Secretary regarding venues.
Each Hon. Divisional Secretary shall: -
1) Prepare, convene & attend the Annual General Meeting of his Division in accordance with Regulation 1.
2) Notify the County Hon. Secretary of Clubs elected to the Council of the Association at the Divisional A.G.M. together with the names and addresses of each club delegate, by the end of September.
3) Prepare, convene & attend all other meetings of the Division as deemed necessary.
4) Conduct the correspondence of the Division.
5) Direct all decisions of the Divisional Committee that relate to Council to the County Hon. Secretary.
6) Ensure that the affairs of the Division are conducted in accordance with K.C.B.A. Rules and Regulations.
7) Maintain a list of Badged Players within the Division.
8) Arrange for the requisite number of Badged Players for each County Friendly Match and submit names, addresses and clubs to the Hon. Competition & Match Secretary by the end of week 12 in accordance with Regulation 10.
9) Notify Under 25 Secretary of players for consideration of Selection.
10) Ensure the Divisional rounds of the County Competitions are organised, conducted & completed in accordance with Rules & Regulations.
11) Receive and collate affiliation fees & competition entries and fees for the ensuing season from each Club in the Division and submit to the Hon. Treasurer by 31st October each year. 12) Keep a record of own Income and Expenditure and submit same annually to the Hon. Treasurer.
13) Act otherwise under the general direction of the Divisional Committee and on retirement from office hand over to his successor or Chairman of the Divisional Committee all books papers and any other property belonging to the Association.
Each Hon. Assistant Divisional Secretary shall: -
1) Assist the Hon. Divisional Secretary as required by him.
2) Ensure that the Divisional rounds of the Competitions are conducted & completed in accordance with Rules and Regulations.
3) Keep a record of own expenditure and submit same annually to the Hon. Treasurer.
4) Act otherwise under the general direction of the Divisional Committee and on retirement from office hand over to his successor, Hon. Divisional Secretary or Chairman of the Divisional Committee all books, papers and any other property.
Cheques drawn on the Association's account shall be signed by
either The Hon. Financial Officer, the Hon. General Secretary or the Hon. Chairman.
1) COMPOSITION: The Officers of the Association and one member, elected annually, from each Divisional Committee.
2) TERMS OF REFERENCE: To be responsible to the Council for all matters of Finance and to advise on all other Association matters. The Committee has power to co-opt. QUORUM: Twelve, to include the Chairman or his Deputy.
1) COMPOSITION: The President, Senior and Junior Vice Presidents, Chairman of the Council, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Competition and Match Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Minute Secretary and the four Hon. Divisional Secretaries or their Assistants.
2) TERMS OF REFERENCE: To make emergency decisions on behalf of the Council and to report such decisions to the Council at their next meeting. QUORUM: Five, to include the Chairman or his Deputy.
1) COMPOSITION: Senior Team Manager and one selector from each of the four divisions.
1) COMPOSITION: The Under 25 Committee will consist of a Team Manager and Assistant Team Manager both these positions offices will be elected from nominations coming from Divisional Annual General Meetings. In the event of more than one name coming forward for either Office the matter will be decided by a vote at the October Council Meeting The Under 25 Secretary/ Team Manager will be the final arbiter in all matters relating to team selection.
I. To be responsible to the Selection Committee for the management of the Under 25 players.
II. To select Under 25 Home Counties League Matches.
III. To select the Under 25 double rink and other Under 25 representative teams.
IV . To nominate up to six players for Junior International Trial and notify the Hon. Competition and Match Secretary.
V . To advise the Senior Team Manager of players for consideration in the Home Counties League and Middleton Cup
1) COMPOSITION: Chairman or Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Divisional Secretaries and Hon. Assistant Divisional Secretaries. The Committee has the power to co-opt.
2) TERMS OF REFERENCE: To be responsible for reviewing the work of the Association and to consider any matter referred to it by the F & G P Committee or Council. To make recommendations for the Annual Presentation Dinner/Dance. The Committee to remain accountable to the F & G P Committee which will receive all reports/recommendations for consideration and reference to Council. QUORUM: Five to include the Chairman or Vice Chairman.
5a. SELECTION OF TEAMS BY DIVISIONAL COMMITTEES After ascertaining availability of players, the four Divisional Committees shall be responsible for selection of all County Friendly matches. Each Committee shall be responsible for selecting six players to constitute a four and two players as part of a four for each match. The President and Senior Vice President, acting as Match Officer, shall be selected to play in every match by being included in each Committee's selection in rotation. Selection for the entire County Friendly Match programme shall be submitted to the Hon. Competition and Match Secretary by the end of week 12. Where possible the Hon. Competition and Match Secretary will consult Divisional Secretaries regarding replacements of players withdrawing from matches but, in an emergency, he shall have the power to make replacements.
To ensure that a suitable list of players may always be available, a roll of players eligible for selection shall be maintained in each Division comprised as follows: -
1) Badged players of known merit whose past County competition performances prove them worthy of selection.
2) Other badged players who have reached the quarter finals in any of the County competitions, excluding the Bert Cox Cup, during the previous season.
3) Non badged players who during the previous season in all County Competitions, excluding the Two Wood Singles and Bert Cox Memorial (Gill) Cup, having won in at least four rounds up to and including the Divisional Final and played in the quarter finals of the competition.
4) Other unbadged players of known merit whose past County competition performances prove them worthy of selection.
5) Unbadged players who, after four full years continuous service in certain elected Offices, may be recommended for their County Badge by the Council. The elected County Offices are those of: Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Competition and Match Secretary, Hon. Divisional Secretary and Hon. Assistant Divisional Secretary. It is emphasized that inclusion in the Roll does not confer the right to selection, but only eligibility for consideration for selection by the Divisional Committee, which shall always exercise its entire discretion.
6) If a player withdraws from a match less than seven days prior to the game without a valid reason, he will not be selected the next year, a valid reason being injury, sickness or family. 7) Middleton Cup and Home Counties League matches. The Selectors may consider players other than those nominated by the Divisional Committees. They may also take appropriate action in the case of failure to honour selection commitments without reasonable explanation. Such players will not be allowed to participate in any County representative game in the following season. Valid reasons remain as detailed in County Championship
Rule 16. No member of the selection committee may be considered for a Middleton Cup Trial or Match.
A County Badge shall be awarded to:
6a.1. A player who has been selected and plays for the County for the first time other than in a Home Counties League match. The player must have been selected by the Team Manager or a Divisional Committee and received an Official Notice from the Hon. Competition and Match Secretary. Playing as a substitute does not qualify. The badge shall be presented irrespective of any play commencing.
6a.2. A member elected as an Honorary Life Member.
6a.3. A member elected as mentioned in 5.b.5
6a.4. A finalist who satisfies the conditions of Regulation 5b.3) in the County Singles, Pairs, Triples, and Fours Competition. The Badge shall be awarded at the completion of the Final.
6a.5. The winners of the Over 55 Fours Competition.
An Under 25 County Badge shall be awarded to:
6b.1. A player (excluding a Full County Badge holder) who has played in four or more U25 HCL and/or National County U25s Two Fours Competition matches in one season.
6b.2. An unbadged U25 player who is selected and plays in a Senior HCL match qualifies one game towards his U25 County Badge.
6b.3. The winner of the U25 Singles Competition to be awarded the U25 County Badge with Flash.
A flash shall be awarded to:
6c.1. A player who has played in three Middleton Cup matches.
6c.2. The Hon. Secretary, Hon. Competition and Match Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Minute Secretary, Hon. Divisional Secretaries, Hon. Assistant Divisional Secretaries,
Hon. P & C Match Officer, Hon. Publicity Officer/Webmaster, and Hon. Secretary/Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund upon election to office.
6c.3. Winners of County Championships.
6d. Dress Code Players representing the County Association at all levels including the quarter, semi and finals of the county competitions are required to report to the responsible match officer having changed and ready for play. For County Representative and County Friendly games the official county shirt will be worn together with approved BE white shorts or white trousers. For the final stages of the County Competitions, registered club shirts or white shirts with collars can be worn together with approved BE shorts or approved coloured trousers/whites. In team games, all players must wear the same style of clothing. Approved bowling shoes must be worn on all occasions. Any team not appearing in the same style of clothing will be disqualified from the relevant competition.
1. Clubs wishing to register must make application to the County Secretary, on the appropriate form, no later than 1st August by submitting details of the clothing colours and intended logos.
2. Submissions must conform to Bowls England criteria listed on the registration form.
3. The Hon. Secretary to be responsible for scrutinising the request and for reporting to Council (usually November meeting) for formal approval.
4. Approval to wear the coloured clothing in away matches and competitions must be obtained from the host club. If the host club have registered their own coloured clothing, as indicated in the County Yearbook then this will be deemed as adequate approval.
5. Approval will cover the wearing of the club clothing in all stages of the County Competitions.
A certificate of merit will be awarded by the Association to a person who has given a minimum of 15 years’ service to their club in any capacity. Applications containing a brief citation and signed by two club officers, must be submitted to the appropriate Section Honorary Secretary by 1st July. No more than TWO submissions per club per year will be permitted. A maximum of 30 certificates will be awarded annually. Each Section will scrutinise their applications and submit an agreed list of recipients to the Management Committee for ratification. Presentations will be made at the Annual General meeting of the Association and the name of each recipient will appear in the Roll of Honour listed in the Yearbook the following year.
The Fund shall be governed by three Trustees and a Committee of the Council, one from each Division, elected annually. It shall have power to make its own Rules subject to the approval of Council. A copy of the examined accounts shall be submitted for approval at the December Council meeting of the Men’s Section of the County Association.
The Council shall have such powers as may be appropriate to govern County Championships and other Competitions.
The Council shall appoint annually a Greens Maintenance Coordinator who shall be an ex-officio member of the Council and be required to report annually.
Each Affiliated Club shall be required to purchase a minimum of TWO County Diaries and each entrant in the County Competitions ONE with the exception of players who enter the Under 25 Singles only.