Founded in 1911
COMPETITION BY-LAWS (Men’s Section) Revised for 2022
Amended as necessary by the Council of the Association as detailed in relevant Council minutes.
1. The Competitions are open to all affiliated male members of Clubs affiliated to the Kent
County Bowling Association. Entry to these competitions constitutes agreement to play in the quarter and semi-finals on a weekday before 6 pm. The SINGLES, TWO WOOD SINGLES,
JUNIOR SINGLES, PAIRS, TRIPLES, and FOURS Competitions constitute preliminary rounds of the Bowls England National Championships. All Competitions shall be played in accordance with Bowls England Rules. Play arrangements shall be:
SINGLES - 4 bowls each - 21 up
JUNIOR SINGLES - 4 bowls each - 21 up (Note: There is no minimum age limit for players)
TWO WOOD SINGLES - 2 bowls each - 21 ends
PAIRS - 4 bowls each - 18 ends
JUNIOR PAIRS - 3 bowls each - 18 ends
TRIPLES - 3 bowls each - 18 ends
FOURS - 2 bowls each - 18 ends
Over 55 FOURS - 2 bowls each - 18 ends
BERT COX MEMORIAL (GILL) CUP - 2 bowls each - 18 ends
2. Competitors must play with bowls bearing the official stamping of the International Bowling Board. Composition bowls must bear a legible stamp of 1985 or later. Bowls other than composition must be re-stamped every 10 years, the date stamp indicating the year of expiry. In the case of new bowls, they should bear the new World Bowls stamp. Where no umpire is present, the onus of checking that bowls comply with Bowls England Laws rests with the players concerned before the commencement of the first end.
3. The official entry form, which includes specific instructions for its completion, must be used for making all entries to the competitions. Entry fees must accompany the entry form.
3a) No person may allow his name to be submitted, or play, for more than one Club or County, in any one year, in ANY of the County Competitions.
3b) In team competitions (pairs, triples, fours) all players must be affiliated players of the same club.
3c) If a player, after entering the county competitions, moves to another club in the same Division before the season commences, his entries may, at the discretion of the Divisional Secretary, transfer to the new club and matches played out of that club, depending on any sub-division of the area involved. It will be the responsibility of the entrant to notify all opponents of the change in the first & all subsequent rounds and any game failing to take place due to non-compliance will result in the player/team defaulting.
3d) In a case where circumstances prevent the named entrant from being able to play the competitions entered it is permissible for the entry/entries (excluding singles) to pass to affiliated playing members of the club from which the entry was received. In such circumstances, a substitute player will be allowed if needed in subsequent rounds. Under no circumstances will an originally named entrant be allowed to play in another team entered in the Pairs, Triples, Fours & Over 55 Fours.
If either circumstance described in 3c & 3d arises the Divisional Secretary must be notified no later than 1st May.
4. In the Pairs, Triples, and Fours Competitions, the players named on the scorecard of the initial match shall constitute the official entry. The initial or any subsequent round match is constituted by the completion of one end, and if then stopped for a valid reason and resumed at a later date, Law 50 of Laws of the Sport of Bowls (Crystal Mark Edition), shall apply. One additional (and 'same') player from the same Club may be used as a substitute provided, he has not already played in the competition. The named entrant to the competition may not play in another entry of the same competition.
5. The Under 25 Secretary/ Team Manager to be responsible for all aspects of running Under 25 competitions.
6. There are four administrative divisions of the Association and for competition purposes, each of these shall be divided into four sections with such sub-sections as necessary at the discretion of the Honorary Divisional Secretaries and based on the number of entries received for each event. Endeavour shall be made to minimise traveling and to balance the numbers in each section of each competition. After the allotment of entries to the various sections, one open draw shall be made for the order of play up to the Divisional Semi-final stage. The sectional finalists shall play on selected greens for the final Divisional matches. The winners of the Divisional Finals proceed to the County Quarterfinals under arrangements made by the Honorary County Competition and Match Secretary in liaison with the appropriate Divisional Secretary. In all matches, other than those played on selected greens, a choice of rinks by draw shall be given on the green of the Challenger to his opponent.
Competitions shall be played on a 'fixed date' basis in accordance with details shown in the draw-sheet addendum to the Associations Diary. If players concerned wish to play before the fixed date, they may do so by mutual consent. Divisional Officers will not entertain appeals from players unable to make mutual arrangements.
7b) On receipt of the WHITE score-card or other suitable communication from the divisional secretariat, the HOME player, i.e. the CHALLENGER, shall make arrangements for the match to be played on his green and shall PAY ALL FEES and arrange for an umpire and a marker, if for a singles match.
7c) The receiver of the GREEN scorecard or other suitable communication from the divisional secretariat, the AWAY player, i.e. The CHALLENGEE, shall deem the match arrangements to be as shown thereon unless otherwise advised by the challenger
In the event of extreme wet conditions, the use of groundsheets fixed with pins is permitted. Where the green of a challenger is declared unfit for play any non-accommodated tie shall be played on the opponents green. Where the green of a challenger is unavailable for play due to excess of entries, and an earlier date cannot be mutually agreed, then the challenger shall arrange for the tie to take place on the fixed date on a neutral green of his choice within the section, or if mutually agreed on the opponents green.”
Where the greens of both competitors are declared unfit for play or are unavailable, any non-accommodated tie shall be played on a neutral green approved by the Honorary Divisional Secretary or his Assistant.
In all these competitions, both challenger and challengee will receive a scorecard of instructions or other suitable communication from the Honorary Divisional Secretary or his Assistant.
For the purpose of these competitions, the season commences on May 1st and no earlier date may be offered. It must be generally understood that all fixed dates and all dates offered to imply evening play to commence at 6.00 p.m. Unless otherwise previously mutually agreed. Failure of any player to appear and play after a maximum waiting period of thirty minutes from the time mutually agreed for the start of the match, or the introduction of an ineligible player could cause the defaulter to forfeit the match.
The above arrangements cease to apply when the Divisional Semi-finals and Finals are reached. The Divisional Semi-Finals and Finals shall be played on greens selected and on dates and at times fixed by the Honorary Divisional Secretaries. Competitors failing to assemble on the green within 30 minutes of the times stated could be disqualified. As suitable greens have to be found and arrangements made with Clubs well before Divisional stages are reached, some competitors may play on their own green. The County Quarterfinals, Semi-Finals, Finals and 3/4 place play-offs shall be arranged by the Honorary County Competition and Match Secretary in liaison with the appropriate Divisional Secretary. The choice of greens, therefore, shall be his responsibility after receiving recommendations and advice from the Honorary Divisional Secretaries. Each Division shall stage one County Quarter and Semi-Finals day per year, the competitions rotating on a four-year cycle between the Divisions. Each shall stage the County Finals day and 3/4 playoffs in an annual rotation. In the event of a green, chosen to stage a County Quarter and Semi-Finals day or the County Finals day, becoming unavailable or deemed to be below the acceptable standard, Council has delegated discretionary powers to the Hon. Competition & Match Secretary to make alternative emergency arrangements. The draw for the County Quarter and Semi-finals shall ensure that successful players from the same Division meet only in the County Final, excluding the Junior Singles competition, which due to the number of entries, will be run outside of the scope of the four Divisions. Competitors failing to assemble on the green within 15 minutes of the times stated could be disqualified. Players reaching the quarter-finals of the competition and later stages will be required to conform to the dress code requirements in order to avoid being removed from the competition. (See Regulations 6d 1 & 2)
The Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours, Competitions constitute the qualifying rounds of the Bowls England National Championships, and the winners, runners-up, and third place qualifiers (subject to the County achieving the number of entries qualification) in all four events are expected to play in these National events. When the draw for any of the National Championships dictates that one representative will be required to play a preliminary round, the 3rd place winner will automatically acquire this tie and the two County finalists will draw for the other places in the first round proper. When all three Kent sides are drawn in the first round proper then an open draw will take place to determine Kent A, B, and C. The Winner and Runner-up of the Junior Singles (U25) will also be expected to play in the National Championships (subject to the County achieving the number of entries qualification). Only the Winners of the Under 25 pairs and the over 55s. Qualify for entry into the National Championships.
The final of the Over 55 fours will be held in each of the Divisions in rotation with the winners to go forward to the National finals.
K.C.B.A. OFFICIAL SCORECARDS must be used for all County Competitions. Scorecards must be completed legibly, showing the names and initials of all the players taking part and results. They must be signed by the winners and their opponents. Immediately after a match, the winner's scorecard must be sent by first class post to the Divisional Officer whose name and address appears on the scorecard. A telephone call to that Officer, giving the result, will assist. Failure to return the winners’ scorecard to the Divisional Officer promptly may lead to the defaulter being scratched from the competition.
As an alternative to official scorecards, the divisional secretariat may communicate with competitors by email, or other suitable communication provided that the competitors return the final score and surnames of team players within 24 hours.
This competition is open to any affiliated member of an Affiliated Club who is not eligible to play for the Association in a County Match. The last eight of this competition will qualify for consideration for a County Badge. Competitors will also be eligible to compete in the Singles Championship. Finalists in this competition do not qualify for the Bowls England National Championships.
This competition is open to any member of an Affiliated Club. The finalists of this competition will qualify for consideration for a County Badge. Finalists in this competition do qualify for the Bowls England National Championships.
This is an inter-Club competition open to all affiliated clubs and there shall be no limit to the number of sides a Club may enter. A Club side shall consist of two teams of 4 players for each match and may include any eight bona fide members of the Club making the entry, but players must play for the same club through which they enter any other County competition. No player may play for more than one side entered by his Club in the competition in the same season. Details of the draw for play are published each year in the Draw Sheet Addendum to the Associations’ Scorecards are sent directly to the appropriate Club Secretaries. Email may be used, provided the club sends the surnames of each player together with the final score for each rink. Arrangements shall be made by the clubs as for other competitions, except that the match shall be played by one of the Fours on each of the Home and Away greens, playing at the same time. The result shall be based on the aggregate score and an extra end must be played on the CHALLENGERS green. The score on this additional end will be used only in the case of a tie resulting in the completion of 18 ends by each team. Responsibility for seeing that this is done will rest on both sides. Where two clubs using the same green for play are drawn to play each other in this competition, the challenging club will indicate before the match commences which of the clubs two fours will play the extra end. In the event of a tie resulting in the completion of 18 ends by each team at all the selected Green Stages of the competition, an Extra end will be played by one Four only. The Challenger Clubs receive two WHITE Scorecards or communication by email of arrangements for play. The Challengee Clubs receive two GREEN Scorecards or communication by email of arrangements for play. The extra end will be played by one four only, to be decided by the toss of a coin prior to commencement of the game.
11. GENERAL RULES No extension of time beyond the 'fixed’ date can be allowed except 11a) in the case of players selected for international games or
11(b) where exceptional circumstances have rendered it impossible for play to take place. In such circumstances the alternative date fixed by the Honorary Divisional Secretary or his Assistant, or the Honorary County Competition and Match Secretary as the case may be, must be accepted by all parties.
12. Any protest by a competitor(s) as to the green being unfit for play must be made at the completion of the fourth end and the match stopped. Such protest must be submitted at once, in writing, to the Honorary Divisional Secretary, accompanied by a deposit of £20 per player. The green will be inspected and if the protest is not upheld the match shall be recommenced on the same green, on a date fixed by the Honorary Divisional Secretary, from the point at which it was stopped and the deposit forfeited and passed to the Benevolent Fund. If the protest is upheld, the match will be re-arranged and played on a neutral green, on a date fixed by the Honorary Divisional Secretary and the deposit returned.
13. When a match is stopped either by mutual arrangement or by the Umpire, after an appeal to him on account of darkness or the condition of the weather or any other valid reason, it shall be resumed on a date nominated by the Honorary Divisional Secretary or his Assistant with the scores as they were when the match was stopped. A head commenced but not completed shall be declared void.
14. In the event of any dispute arising in the interpretation of the rules, the decision made by the Honorary Divisional Secretary or his Assistant on behalf of the Council of the Association must be accepted as final.
15. Challenge Cups shall be presented on Finals Day and returned to County headquarters for safekeeping.
16. The use of mobile phones by players and officials during the course of a match is ‘strongly discouraged.
17. RECOGNISED DRESS In all competitions, the dress SHALL be predominately white above the waist, grey Trousers or Tailored Shorts and regulation bowls shoes up to the Divisional Semi-Finals and thereafter in whites and regulation shoes. Approved club clothing is acceptable as detailed in the published procedure (see Association Regulations 6e.4 and 6e.5).
18. PENALTIES: A SINGLES competitor, knowing that he will be unavailable for the County Final, should withdraw the round prior to the Divisional Semi-Final. A SINGLES competitor reaching the Divisional Semi-finals or later rounds, failing to be available for the next round without a valid reason, shall be penalised in accordance with the rules set out below: Any member or members of a successful PAIRS, TRIPLES, or FOURS team who causes the team to fail to be available for the Divisional Semi-Finals or later rounds without a valid reason, shall be penalised in accordance with the rules set out below.
18a) If unbadged, the consideration for a County Badge shall be canceled in that year: and
18b) be disqualified from entering/playing in all competitions for the next season.
19 VALID REASONS for absence from a round:
19a) Sickness or injury (Doctors certificate required)
19b) Family bereavement
19c) Excused under Rule 11a)
There is nothing that can be laid down in any set of rules to cover every interpretation, incident or circumstance. It is therefore expected that true sportsmanship and common sense will prevail.