Founded in 1911
Competition Entry Guidance
Each Year we get a large number of Competition entries from competitors who are entering these for the very first time. There are a number of questions the Divisional Secretaries get asked regularly and unfortunately, sometimes they don’t get asked and mistakes happen, this guide is to try and alleviate any possible mistakes and answer some of the questions you may already have.
Check here for all the competition rules and regulations you may need to refer to. The register of competitors contains the details you will need if you need to contact your opponent for any reason prior to your match taking place, this has had to be password protected due to members being wary of their telephone details being in the public domain, the password can be obtained from County Secretary or your Divisional Secretary. There are also dates of all rounds, Competition Stewards and the venues of all Divisional Finals on the Kent County BA website. To access this click on “County Competitions” and then the link to your Division and then go to the relevant file shown therein.
If at any time you have a question regarding your match, email or contact your Competition Steward/Divisional Secretary (the details are on the website), they will be happy to help in any way they can.
The details of whom you have drawn are available on the County website The details of the competitions are then updated as the results come in, this is the reason we ask all competitors to ensure the results of their matches are sent to the Competition Steward as soon as possible on completion of the match. The details they require are your section, registration number, your name, and the result. In team games, you must also confirm the name of any substitute and remember you are only allowed to use one substitute. The draw will be updated within 24 hours of all results being received and the onus is on you to ascertain who and where you are playing in the next round by checking the website, however, if you are in any doubt please feel free to contact your Competition Steward.
The dates of play are fixed dates, but, by mutual consent, the games can be brought forward, although no games are to be played before the 1st May. You will find many competitors play in more than one competition making it very difficult to re-arrange and play matches earlier, so you will need to be prepared to be disappointed if you ask your opponent to bring the match forward. Try if possible not to put yourself in the position of needing to request a date change, as a refusal by your opponent can be awkward for you both. Please remember that all games are played on the same night each week so if you win you will be playing on the same night of the following week.
All cards either need to be sent back to the Competition Steward or kept until you are asked for them, because in the Pairs ,Triples and Fours all the players need to be checked and you are only allowed one substitute for that team
Except in the case of Singles you will need to ensure each of your team members is aware of whom and where you are playing, also the playing attire as there are rules regarding dress code for County Competition matches.
For home games, you will need to ensure a rink is available on your green and if playing Singles that you arrange for a competent marker for your game.
Please note that only bowlers who are affiliated to KCBA & Bowls England are eligible to play in County competitions and checks will be made by Competition Stewards/Divisional Secretaries to ensure this is the case. If in doubt speak to your Club Secretary.